Falco Nero Photo Club

Website: http://falconero.club/

Email: info@falconero.club

Falco Nero Photo Club officially began on August 20, 2009, with an organizational meeting that was attended by about 20 people. Our club has been a gathering place for Herceg Novi (Montenegro) area photographers and enthusiasts for many years and is a mainstay in the local photographic community. We invite you to join us!


Our members include professionals, enthusiasts, and amateurs spanning every branch of photography. We have members who have been photographers their entire lives, as well as members who have purchased their first camera and want to learn more about the wonderful field of photography.

Joining our group may improve your photography or you may improve ours — or maybe we all might learn different ways of looking at our surroundings. It will give you an outlet to show your work to people who appreciate photography; make friends with others who share your interest in photography and discover new locations for taking photos.

By-Laws of the Falco Nero Photo Club

As amended, Sep. 12, 2009


The name of the organization is the Falco Nero Photo Club (FNPC), located at Igalo, N.N.Mesto 43, Montenegro 85347


To welcome and support all that have an interest in photography, whether an avocation or vocation.

To stimulate interest and recognize that good subjects and photography are everywhere.

To offer technical assistance, either personally or by forum.

To allow members an opportunity to display their works in competitions or programs.

To schedule programs by club members and others that will improve the photographic skills of members of FNPC.

We value the dignity and worth of each individual – acknowledging that artistic expression is an extension of that individual – unique and intensely personal. FNPC seeks to foster special insights by nurturing our collective sharing and striving while honoring our private journeys in learning to express ‘the world as we see it’ photographically.

FNPC supports artistic freedom and expression. However, the club will not be a forum for, and will not accept, in meetings, competitions or the club’s online gallery, images that are pornographic, obscene, or include explicit depictions of human genitalia. Depictions of the human body have a long history in artistic and photographic endeavors, and as such nudity per se is not prohibited in club competitions or in the club online gallery.

Education and artistic endeavor thrive in an atmosphere of collegiality, support and acceptance, therefore members of the club are asked to be considerate of the views of other club members when submitting images for review, competitions and the web gallery, and also are asked to be tolerant when considering the images submitted by other club members for those purposes.


Membership is open to individuals that have an interest in photography.


Terms of the officers for FNPC will be three years.

President – Responsible for chairing all meetings, assigning committees, communicating with the FIAP, PSA and its affiliated organization.

Vice-President – Assist the President with their duties as prescribed above, or as directed by the President. To succeed to the Presidency.

Secretary – Responsible for outgoing communications, which includes “Thanks” to our speakers, maintains a record of the club achievements and history. Will aid the President in notification to members of meeting changes.

Treasurer – Shall keep a record of all expenses and income.


Permanent committees are: Art Fairs, Competitions, Programs and Membership. Temporary committees shall be established at the discretion of the President.


The FNPC may conduct periodic competitions open to all world’s photographers, governed by rules set by the officers of the club. The competition committee will oversee competition activities, such as selection of judges, transportation of entries and other necessary tasks.


The FNPC may host an online photo gallery for members. The sole purpose of the web gallery will be to display the works of club members.

Visitors to the online web gallery will be presented with a statement advising them that because the club promotes artistic freedom and expression, it is possible that they may encounter images that they find objectionable.

Club members may voice concerns to the club web site administrator about web gallery images they believe do not conform to the standards set forth in Section 2 of these bylaws.

The competition committee will be responsible for reviewing image(s) that have been brought to the attention of the club web site administrator by a club member or members who believe the images are inappropriate. The committee may decide to remove the image(s) from the club web gallery, after consulting with the photographer and if a majority of the committee members conclude that the image(s) violate the standards in Section 2 of these bylaws. The decisions of the committee are final.